Join the 4th cohort of S&I, aimed to help you structure the arch of the therapy hour, so that you create an impact for those you are trying to help.

We kick-off on Monday, 3rd of June 2024!

Structuring a Therapy Session to Create Impact

How do you structure a therapeutic session so that it is impactful for your client? 

This is the primary issue we will solve in this highly practical and challenging course.

Most of the time, when we think of structure, we think of models of therapy. Yet, you may have an approach to how you conduct therapy at large, but not have a well-formed way to craft the arch of a therapy hour.

How you structure the session, influences the experience for our clients, regardless of the treatment approach that you take.

In a therapy session,

How do we begin in a focused manner?
How do we not get lost in the weeds of details?
How do we develop an effective focus within a session?
How do we develop a continuing thread from session to session?

How do we go deeper?
How do we make room for the unspokens?
How do we close in an impactful manner?

How do we manage the clock?
How do we stay flexible and directional at the same time?

These are the types of challenges we will be facing heads-on in this course.

Take a look at the following 3 graphs:

A Flatline Session

An example of a session that goes nowhere, which leads to disengagement and treatment dropout.

A Dynamic Session

A Dynamic Session #1

An example of a session that develops a clear focus right from the get-go.

A Dynamic Session #2

An example of a session that goes deeper and ends on an impactful note.

Common Challenges Faced By Therapists

"My client just goes on and on, and we seem to be going nowhere..."

"I'm often going overtime..."

"There seems to be no clear focus or direction."

"I feel like I'm working harder than my client."


The sole target of this course is to help you develop the ability to
structure a psychotherapy session,
so that it becomes a meaningful experience for your clients.



Structures & Impact is specially designed as an asynchronous web-based workshop, which means that you get to go through the practical content at your own pace.
Plus, you'd have a LIFE-TIME ACCESS to all of the content and future updates


The course kicks off on 17th of Apr, 2023. But remember, even though you are learning with a community, you also get to go at your own pace.


The course lasts for a total of 4 weeks. Each module is released every Monday. Thereafter, you can still revisit the content with no time-limit to the access.

More on Structure & Impact

See my essays on creating structure and impact in therapy sessions:

Thinking In Thirds (Part I)

Thinking in Thirds (Part II)

Thinking in Thirds (Part III)

About Daryl Chow, MA. Ph.D.

Daryl Chow, MA, Ph.D. (Psych), is a practitioner in Australia, and he is a senior associate of the International Center for Clinical Excellence (ICCE). He devotes his time to workshops and researches on the development of expertise and highly effective psychotherapists, teaching practitioners key principles to accelerate learning.

In 2018, his book The First Kiss: Undoing the Intake Model and Igniting First Sessions in Psychotherapy, was described as

"The book I’ve wanted every therapist to read for years." ~ Julie Tilsen, Ph.D.;

"A majestic, digestible, and real approach to psychotherapy..." ~ Jesse Owen, Ph.D., and

"In this engaging book, shows us what we have been doing wrong and more importantly, what we should be doing differently," ~Bruce Wampold, Ph.D.

Together with Scott Miller and Mark Hubble, a much anticipated book, Better Results: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Therapeutic Effectiveness was released in May, 2020 (American Psychological Association). This was accompanied with a follow-up Workbook, The Field Guide to Better Results.

His other books include The Write to Recovery: Personal Stories & Lessons about Recovery from Mental Health Concerns (available for free), and Creating Impact: the Four Pillars of a Psychological Practice.

Daryl is a published researcher in several peer-reviewed journals. He runs a cutting edge blog for mental health practitioners (Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development), and a meditative blog for the general public, Full Circles: Reflections on Living.

He is currently based in Western Australia, working with a group of vibrant private practitioners at Henry Street Centre, located in Fremantle, WA. He is currently in private practice, providing clinical supervision, training and consultations with a various organisations.

For more information, visit

Achieving Clinical Excellence

Along with K Anders Ericsson, Bruce Wampold and Scott Miller, Daryl was one of the keynote speakers at the  Achieving Clinical Excellence (ACE) Conference in Sweden, May 2-4 2018. Watch Daryl's entire presentation about A System of Practice. Click HERE!

Deliberate Practice Research

Daryl is the lead researcher of the Difficult Conversations in Therapy (DCT) clinical trial, helping practitioners like you improve in their therapeutic engagement in challenging scenarios. (The pilot results were brief discussed in this article)


  1. How long do I have access to the course?
    How does lifetime access sound? 
    In other words, no other hidden or extra costs. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. (note: you can download the app TEACHABLE to access this course on the go. Special: This means that you will also have full access to all new updates for this course. Since it's inception, there has been several updates on the materials.

  2. What if I am unhappy with the course?
    We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 15 days and we will give you a full refund.
  3. What currency is this course listed as?
    SGD (not USD).

  4. Do I have to log in at specific times to access the materials?
    Absolutely not. This course can be consumed at your own pace, as an email reminder will be sent to you to unlock each module on a weekly basis (Mondays).
    This is not like other courses you might have participated in a live webinar where the trainer comes online and talks to a group of you.

  5. I'm very keen to sign up for this course, but I can't afford the full fee.
    Totally understandable. Please email me as I would like to sponsor a handful of people who are motivated to take the course but can't afford to, especially due to currency differences or financial hardship.

  6. What if I have questions along the way? Is this course interactive?
    I hope that you do, because questions help sharpen our thinking. Plus this course is not just content, but also community to help you become a deep learner.
     Feel free to add your queries or reflections to our comments section made available at the bottom of each module. Alternately, you can email your questions directly to me [email protected]m . I do encourage you to "think-aloud" through the process of this course, as it will not only benefit you, but also others who are in the same journey as you.

  7. Will I get overwhlemed like other workshops and online courses?
    This course was created with a good amount of care and forethought; grafting the best learning principles to help you in the learning process, and making it as dynamic and flexible as possible to accommodate your learning preferences. Using a "drip" model approach, which means you will be notified once a week to work through one new module. We have specifically designed it this way, as we are well aware that you are likely a busy practitioner and/or supervisor. The last thing we want to do is to add to your overwhelm! That said, some of you might like to "binge learn" the entire course in a few sittings. You can do so once the course has ended. That said, I do not recommend waiting til the end of the course, as it does not allow you enough time to actively reflect and apply the learnings.

  8. How long is this course?
    1 month, and you'd have a lifetime access to the content.

  9. What if I'm not sure if this course is for me?
    Not a problem. I'm aware that this is not for everyone. You don't have to be tech savvy to benefit from this course, but you certainly need to be committed to helping clinicians get better results. Take a look at the preview materials first. After that, you still have the 15-day money back guarantee.

  10. I've just joined the Frontiers of Psychotherapist Development mailing list, but I did not see the promo code.
    That's ok. Just drop me an email [email protected] and I'd send you the exclusive promo code for folks on the Frontiers mailing list. Please note that the exclusive promo codes only apply for full payment and not for the 4 installment payment method.

  11. Who should I join this course?
    If you are someone who is in clinical practice and care about your craft in this healing profession, I recommend that you join this training (of course, I'm biased.)

What Others Say About The Structure & Impact Course

"This course really balances the dual pulls between structure and freedom.

The course helps to scaffold and to hold the theory that is so often so hard apply to a complex case.

Dr. Chow masterfully demonstrates the ability to make the complex simple while at the same time showing the beautiful depth of simplicity. Anyone and everyone can benefit from this course, no matter the theoretical background or beliefs about what causes change. Dr. Chow teaches you the "How" behind the "what.

Thank you for your generosity with your knowledge and experience. I really appreciate knowing there are therapists like you out there."

~ Joshua Ford, US.

"I have been in practice both as a therapist and as a supervisor for a long time...

You managed to present facts and research in a way that engage me. By simple drawings I can easily take the facts with me in practice. And try them out in different ways together with clients and professionals.

(Like the other courses), you have given me what I need so I can work on with new energy!

I can seriously endorse your course as it fits me to work in my own pace and you are presenting in a most professional way!

~ Gun-Eva Andersson Långdahl,
Psychologist Specialized in Clinical and Educational Psychology.

"As therapists, we seek a way of working that suits our personal style. We choose to further our education in methods and techniques that we believe in. The Structure & Impact course is a cross-border course.

It helps you concretely develop how you can
create frameworks for conversations that increase the chance of change for those who seek your help."

~ Bengt Göran Lindberg, licensed couple and family therapist, Sweden.


(in SGD, not USD).