8.4 The Use of Measures (part IV of IV)


1. How to employ an alliance measure to elicit feedback of a session

8.4 Use of Measures (RCS).pdf

Highlights of this Sessions:

1. Aim to elicit lower alliance ratings, not higher.

2. Make it clear that the alliance rating is not use for evaluation or KPI purposes.

3. Client's view of alliance over time is more predictive of outcome than therapist's view of alliance.

4. Three common traps to look out for.

Future Resources:

1. Here's two related blog posts:

a) How Do You Get Better at Receiving Feedback?

b) How Do You Get Better at Eliciting Feedback?

2. Here's a list of web-based platforms you can consider using:

a) myoutcomes.com

- great if you are using only the ORS/SRS

- easy export of data for further analysis

- useful dashboard

- great support from Cindy Hansen and the team

b) pragmatictracker.com

- If you want to employ more than the just the ORS/SRS, able to customise with use of other measures

- easy export of data for further analysis

- dashboard information limited.

- no fancy algorithms running at the back like the other platforms

c) fit-outcomes.com

- like myoutcomes, cleaner design

- Harder to get usable exported data

d) OpenFit

- I'm new to this platform, so I can't fully comment about this one as yet.

Personally, the department/hospital in Singapore I am with and the team in Australia uses Pragmatic Tracker. The main reason is because we needed to have an additional outcome measure other than the ORS. That said, I have just switched to myoutcomes, mainly because I prefer the aggregated information obtained in myoutcomes.com dashboard.

Here's my suggestion: Request for a free trial period to each of the platforms. All of the platforms are fee- subscription based. Tell them you heard about it from this course.

Full Disclosure: I am an affiliate with pragmatic tracker and myoutcomes, which means I earn a small commission if you tell them I brought you to them.

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